The Budget Reports A Surplus Of Bgn 848 Million As Of End September 2003

The Budget Reports A Surplus Of Bgn 848 Million As Of End September 2003

As of 30 September 2003 the consolidated fiscal program reports a surplus to the amount of BGN 847,753,500. The revenues amount to BGN 10,031,437,800 and the expenditures amount to BGN 9,463,684,400. Tax revenues for the period are BGN 8,048,286,700 and non-tax ones amount to BGN 2,041,488,500. The most substantial revenues thereof are again for social expenditures and scholarships – BGN 3,633,055,000.

The Republican budget shows a surplus of BGN 758,524,060. The revenues thereto as of 30 September amount to BGN 6,278,970,200, and the expenditures – to BGN 5,520,445,500.

As of the end of the first three quarters of the year, the Central Budget surplus is to the amount of BGN 430,039,100. The revenues thereto are BGN 5,053,022,300, and the expenditures – BGN 4,623,183,100.

As of 30 September 2003 the municipalities have a surplus of BGN 25,315,800; the revenues amount to BGN 1,055,495,900, expenditures – BGN 1,417,327,900, and net transfers are BGN 437,147,070.

You can find a detailed table about budget implementation by types of revenues and expenditures on the website of the Ministry of Finance – “Activities” section, “Budget” category, “Statistics”, “Data on Consolidated Fiscal Program” (National Methodology), “Statistical Data”, “Monthly”, “Consolidated Fiscal Program by Months”, “2003”, “September”.

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